


Wholeness has been Melanie’s personal quest since a child, a return to wholeness.

Yoga has been a key player in this quest.  Yoga brings us back into our body where unconscious patterns are stored and delivers us back to the mind/body matrix.  The Ashtanga Method acts as a mirror to the practitioner, its reflection offering insight into what is blocked on the inside.  Yoga is a first tool to begin unraveling what stands in our way.

Ultimately, it is necessary to go deeper than yoga practice can take us to manifest true freedom.  We must go down —  into our ground, into our emotions, into our will, into our heart, to discover where and how we lost our fullest sense of self.  Other tools are needed to excavate our issues from our tissues, integrate new awarenesses, new belief systems, new patterns, so that we can restore balance to our cores.

Melanie’s Mysore Style classes hold a space of recognition that we are all in the midst of our own process and our own journey.  They offer not only a place for practice with a teacher grounded in decades of practice and study but a safe place to explore and perhaps widen your comfort zones.

Yoga often side steps the space between earth and the Divine.  It is mentally and emotionally stabilizing, it is spiritually enriching and it is physically fabulous but without the steps in between, we will never be free.  To begin to answer to this, Melanie offers her Yoga Immersion and Training, where you learn tools that take you towards greater wholeness and full expression.


Ashtanga Yoga Room